Personal Projects

  1. Social Distance Awareness: Project measuring if people follow the appropriate distance between themselves in order to prevent dispersion of COVID-19 disease.
  2. COVID-19 Detection from X-ray images: Project based on detection of COVID-19 disease from X-ray images.

Top Undergrad Course Projects

  1. Character Recognition: Project on recognizing characters from images using image processing and machine learning algorithms.
    • Experimented with median blur, and histogram equalization, for image pre-processing technique.
    • Achieved an accuracy of 92.2% and 59% by implementing Support Vector Machine, and K-Nearest Neighbor for machine learning approach.
    • Github Link:
  2. SuperShop Mania: A C# and MySQL based project on Super-Shop.
    • Transaction between customer and local store is implemented. Customers can also be approved for membership. Also they can browse product for information and reliability.
    • Warehouse has product inventory and can distribute products to local store. There is monthly, weekly and daily sales report.
    • Customer can search in different stores for product availability and can browse the top selling products of specific category.
    • Github:
  3. Tic-Tac-Toe: An Arduino implementation of Tic-Tac-Toe game.
    • Both players can input their name at the start of the game.
    • Made the game intelligent in a sense that it can predict if the game will be draw or not before the last 2 moves in the board.
    • Github:
  4. Journey Guider: Web development project based on PHP and using MySQL as backend.